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Sunshine might give us mood-boosting vitamin D, but it’s not quite as kind to our vehicles. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage your car’s windshield, but there are preventative measures you can take. We’ll cover five effective ways to protect your car glass from UV rays.

Use Sunshades and Window Visors

One of the simplest but most effective methods of protecting your car glass is using sunshades or window visors. When you park your vehicle, these tools work as barriers against sunlight, helping to keep the car interior cool. They also prevent the sun’s rays from degrading the dashboard, seats, and glass. Taking this small step can go a long way in maintaining the integrity of your car’s interior.

Clean With a UV-Protectant Glass Cleaner

Because your windshield’s clarity and cleanliness are crucial for safe driving, maintaining it with the right products is essential. A microfiber cloth with a UV-protectant glass cleaner can protect your glass. It’ll keep your view crystal clear while fighting against UV deterioration. UV-protectant cleaners add an extra layer of protection with every wash, reducing the yellowing or clouding that can happen over time.

Apply UV Protectant Film

Consider applying a UV protectant film to your car windows. This transparent layer is hardly noticeable and can block lots of UV rays. By filtering out harmful UV light, the film prevents the interior fabrics from fading and keeps the temperature lower inside your car. It’s a long-term investment that can pay off by preserving the aesthetics and functionality of your vehicle’s glass.

Park in the Shade or Use a Car Cover

Parking in a shaded area is another way to protect your car glass from UV rays. Parking under trees or in garages can reduce the amount of direct UV exposure your car endures daily. An alternative to shaded parking is using a car cover. A car cover offers similar protection and is particularly useful for parking outdoors for extended periods.

Consider Window Tinting

Window tinting is also a practical measure against UV rays. Certain window tints can reduce the amount of UV radiation entering the car, protecting the interior and skin from potential harm. In Utah, drivers can have a nonreflective tint on the top four inches of the windshield. The tint must allow more than 70 percent of light in, ensuring adequate visibility for the driver.

Sometimes auto glass damage is unavoidable. Luckily, Fusion Windshield Repair can help. If you have a compromised windshield due to UV exposure or other reasons, don’t hesitate to contact us! Our mobile auto glass services will get your car back to tip-top condition.