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When you’re cruising down the road, there’s nothing better than rolling down the windows and enjoying the breeze. It’s one of life’s simple pleasures.

However, a crack in your car window can quickly ruin that peaceful moment and make driving dangerous. Here are the four most common car window damage mistakes to avoid so you can keep your car in working order and enjoy the ride.

Using Household Window Cleaner

While it might seem logical to use a household window cleaner on your car windows, it can cause damage, especially on tinted windows. Over time, the tinted coating can bubble up or peel off due to the ammonia in most cleaning product formulas.

Ammonia-based cleaners can also cause streaks on auto glass. If you clean your windows in direct sunlight, the streaking will worsen because the spray dries too quickly. For the best results, use a microfiber cloth and auto glass cleaner.

Parking Your Car in the Sun

On a hot summer day, a car’s interior is a dangerous environment for both people and animals, which is why air conditioning is a must. Intense temperature changes can weaken auto glass and cause cracks to form.

While it’s ideal to park in the shade, sometimes it’s impossible. The solution is to gradually cool your car after it’s been in the sun by rolling down all your windows and allowing the hot air to escape. You can also speed up the process by swinging your car door back and forth to waft the hot, stagnant air out of your car’s cabin.

Slamming Your Car Door

Whether you had a rough day at the office or an unpleasant conversation with your teenager, you might feel good after a solid slam of your car door. However, doing so can damage auto glass.

Vehicles can withstand plenty of wear and tear, but they’re not indestructible. Routinely slamming car doors can damage the window frame and make the glass more vulnerable to cracks.

Putting Off Repairs for Damaged Car Windows

Putting off window and windshield repairs is the most common cause of serious car window damage. If you keep driving with cracked or chipped windows, the movement can shatter the glass. By learning the most common car window damage mistakes to avoid, you can protect your vehicle and prevent the hassle of serious repairs.

No matter the damage, we can handle your window repairs. Give us a call or text to get a quote or schedule a repair.